The Unofficial Pilgrimage: Cardinal Franz König's 1980 Soviet Union Journey with the Board of the “Pro Oriente” Foundation

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Independent Researcher
Journal nameISTORIYA

The proposed article is devoted to the unofficial trip of the head of the Catholic Church of Austria, Cardinal Franz König, who initiated a ten-day tour to the USSR by a delegation of 30 people — members of the board of the Pro Oriente Foundation in November 1980. This Austrian foundation, initiated by König (who headed the Vatican Committee for Dialogue with Unbelievers) in the late 1960s, was focused on the development of dialogue with the Eastern Churches. In a study of travel materials obtained in the summer of 2019. from Cardinal König’s archives, it will question how impenetrable the Iron Curtain was for representatives of the Catholic world, how the symbolic resource of travelling through the Soviet Union was used in Western religious circles in the context of the Cold War, how the Austrian media presented the trip, and how Cardinal Franz König’s concept of Vienna being a bridge between the churches of the West and the East did/did not receive a concrete diplomatic, ecclesiastical and touristic dimension. The pilgrimage tour of the ecumenical foundation became part of both the international relations of the Cold War and the political dimension of this trip will be given attention in the study.

KeywordsCold War, ecumenical relations, Catholic Church of Austria, Russian Orthodox Church, Cardinal Koenig, Pro Oriente
Publication date27.12.2023
Number of characters55931
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