Ivan Potekhin and the First International Congress of Africanists in 1962

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article is devoted to the role of I. I. Potekhin (1903—1964), a Soviet scientist, one of the founders of the Soviet African Studies, in the organization of the First International Congress of Africanists, held in Ghana on December 11—18, 1962. On the basis of archival documents, the painful process of preparation headed by I. I. Potekhin the Soviet delegation to participate in the congress. This example clearly demonstrates the sluggishness of the Soviet bureaucracy, which was unable to respond to the challenges of the time, to capture really relevant, and not imaginary, social, political and scientific trends. As a result, the Soviet delegation turned out to be very modest in number, contrary to initial expectations. The opportunity to go to Africa was not given to those who needed it. Nevertheless, for Soviet scientists who nevertheless went to Ghana, participation in the congress turned out to be successful and useful. The article showed that, despite the commitment to dogmatic Soviet Marxism, I. I. Potekhin managed to build quite successful business relations with both Western and African colleagues, which undoubtedly had a positive effect on the process of organizing the First Congress of Africanists. Although the congress was not without sharp disputes and discussions, its work, on the whole, took place in a friendly atmosphere. Potekhin’s stubborn desire to develop African studies outside the Western world fit into the decolonization discourse and was clearly ahead of its time. It is concluded that the congress in Ghana has become an important milestone in the development and institutionalization of world African studies.

KeywordsIvan Potekhin, Soviet African Studies, USSR Academy of Sciences, African Studies, decolonization, Ghana
Publication date24.06.2023
Number of characters37867
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