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1. Semenov N.N. Science and Society: Articles and Speeches. M., 1981. (In Russ.).
2. Sominsky M. Academician A.F.Ioffe. Jerusalem, 1986. (In Russ.).
3. Krylov A.N. Memories of A.F.Ioffe. L., 1972; 13–16. (In Russ.).
4. Ioffe A.F. My Life and Work: an Autobiographical Essay. M.; L., 1933. (In Russ.).
5. Obreimov I.V. Memories of A.F.Ioffe. L., 1972; 21–62. (In Russ.).
6. Dukelsky V.M. Essay on the History of the Physical-Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences for the Period of 1918–1954. 1955. Archive of Ioffe Institute. (In Russ.).
7. Golovin I.N. I.V.Kurchatov. M., 1979. (In Russ.).
8. Semenov N.N. Memories of A.F.Ioffe. L., 1972; 5–10. (In Russ.).
9. Iordanishvili E.K. Memories of A.F.Ioffe. L., 1972; 199–203. (In Russ.).
10. Frenkel V.Ya., Moskovchenko N.Ya. Documents and materials. Contribution of Academician A.F.Ioffe to the Formation of Nuclear Physics in the USSR. L., 1980; 8–38. (In Russ.).
11. Zel’dovich Ya.B. Khariton Yu.B. Role of A.F.Ioffe in the Development of Soviet Nuclear Physics and Technology. Priroda. 1980; 10: 27–35. (In Russ.).
12. Frenkel Ya.I. Abram Fedorovich Ioffe. L., 1968. (In Russ.).
13. Alferov Zh.I. Preface. Physical-Technical Institute during the Great Patriotic war. B.B.D’yakov (ed.). SPb., 2006: 3–4. (In Russ.).
14. Glikina M.V. Memories of A.F.Ioffe. L., 1972: 189–194. (In Russ.).
15. Bredov M.M. Memories of A.F.Ioffe. L., 1972: 183–188. (In Russ.).
16. Sonin A.S. Black days of academician Ioffe. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 1994; 64(5): 448–452. (In Russ.).
17. Klassen M.V., Klassen T.V. Memories of A.F.Ioffe. V.P.Zhuse (ed.). L., 1972: 126–131. (In Russ.).
18. Loeb L.B. Memories of A.F.Ioffe. L., 1972; 103–107. (In Russ.).