The Border Defense Systems of Sasanian Iran

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Pskov State University
Address: Russian Federation, Pskov
Affiliation: Pskov State University
Address: Russian Federation, Pskov
Journal nameISTORIYA

Almost all the great ancient both Eastern and Western powers sought to secure their borders by erecting border defensive lines. In this respect, Sassanian Iran was no exception. On the borders of the Sassanid Empire at different times, but mainly during the period of the highest power of the Sasanid kingdom (4th—6th centuries CE), strong fortification systems were erected. In scale, they surpassed many of the more famous similar structures created in the Classical world. These included the Wall of the Arabs, the Wall of Gorgan, the Wall of Tammishe, Jar-i Kulbad, the Darband fortification system, and the Darial Gorge.

Keywordsborder defense lines, Sasanian Iran, the Wall of the Arabs, the Wall of Gorgan, the Wall of Tammishe, Jar-i Kulbad, Derbent, the Darial Gorge
Publication date30.04.2022
Number of characters34089
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