The Institutional Aspect of the Incorporation of the Central Caucasus Peoples into Russia in 1793—1822

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Kabardino-Balkarian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Nalchick
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article explores the institutional aspect of the incorporation of the peoples of the Central Caucasus into the political and legal space of the Russian Empire on the example of the activities of the Mozdok Upper Border Court (1793—1822). Among the main areas of such incorporation, the court considers the application of Russian normative acts in decision-making, the legitimization of concluded and the certification of concluded contracts and transactions, the recognition and consolidation of the social status of representatives of the local population, and the use of institutions of justice unusual to the traditional legal consciousness of the highlanders. Attention is drawn to the formation of socionormative pluralism in the region, when the norms of adat, Muslim and Russian law were applied in resolving disputes and conflicts.Issues related to difficulties of inter-language communication of the court with subordinate institutions are considered. Examples of the issuance of mortgage letters by the court are considered as a guarantee of the fulfillment of property obligations assumed by the participants in the proceedings. Information is given on the introduction of the institution of attorneys in the practice of the border court. It is concluded that all this was one of the mechanisms for subsequently forming the origins of Russian civic identity among representatives of the local population.

KeywordsCentral Caucasus, Caucasian line, Mozdok upper frontier court, judicial system, judicial procedure, ethnic elite, incorporation, socionormative pluralism, inter-language communication, social status
Publication date15.11.2021
Number of characters26874
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