Dubrovnik Republic in Russian Historiography in the 19th — the Beginning of the 20th Century

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Tver State University
Address: Russian Federation, Tver
Journal nameISTORIYA

This article concerns the initial period of the phenomena of Dubrovnik Republic, who kept its independence during centuries in the alien ethnic and confessional surroundings. This item seldom appeared in the sphere of attention of the specialists upon the European urban studies. The historian V. V. Makushev (1837—1883), being at the diplomatic service in Dubrovnik, studied the resources and published the scientific results in his articles and monographs. He created his author classification of the sources of the urban problems, evaluated their informational  capability, proved the historical value of the imaginative literature. This approach is actual for the analysis of the medieval history of the Mediterranean and other European cities.

KeywordsDubrovnik, Russia, urban studies, V. V. Makushev, classification of the sources
Publication date18.10.2021
Number of characters40150
100 rub.
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