The Oath to the Heir of the Throne of the Spanish Monarchy (17th — 18th Centuries): Oath and Ceremonial

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article studies the oath to the heir to the throne of the Spanish monarchy in Early Modern times as a public law act. The proclamation of the heir to the throne and its recognition as such by the estates was a key stage in the representation of the sovereign’s rights. The texts of the oath and the descriptions of the oath ceremony in the sources of the 17th — 18th centuries (1632, 1709, 1724, 1760 and 1789) provide an opportunity to study the evolution of the status of the heir to the throne and the public representation of Royal power in Spain from the Habsburg reign to the Bourbons’ times. The meaning of the ceremony and the text was double as its denomination stated, “oath and homage”. The ritual combined two types of obligations — an oath of allegiance to the future monarch and a vassal oath to the lord. Homage created a relationship of direct personal dependence that was included into the relationship of the subject and the sovereign. The text of the oath declared and fixed the fundamental laws of the Spanish monarchy and thus their principles became public, but only in the interpretation of the monarch. The ideas verbally expressed in the text of the oath were reproduced in the symbolic actions of the oath ritual. The main quality of the act was its emphasized publicity, involving a significant number of participants and thus binding them with political obligations. In general, the oath to the heir was used as an instrument to assert the sovereign’s political will and superiority, contributed to reconcile the elite with the king’s actions, leaving no room for manoeuvre, forcing it to act within the strict framework of the sacred traditional ritual.

KeywordsSpanish monarchy, political culture, oath ceremony, heir to the throne
Publication date31.12.2020
Number of characters50113
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