To the Procedure of Dating Greek Manuscripts of 960s (on the Examples of Vat. gr. 1164. Paris. gr. 2442 & Barb. gr. 276)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article is concerned to the paleography and codicology of two collections of polemiological works of Vat. gr. 1164 and Paris. gr. 2442 & Barb. gr. 276 written in Perlschrift. The collections are identical in composition of Ancient and Byzantine texts. According to their paleographic characteristics, both codices should be dated the second half of the 10th century. The three scribes of these two manuscripts worked in the writing style of the famous Constantinople scribe of the middle of the 10th century monk Ephraim. The perfect codicology of manuscripts and the “businesslike” but refined design, including complicated illustrations, finally confirm their Constantinople elitist origin. Judging by the content of the manuscripts, they were created in the Palace library in Constantinople, where there was every opportunity to compile such a collection, which included rare ancient texts and the most modern for the middle of the 10th century Byzantine tactics. The dating of the final work in both collections the treatise De velitatione bellica of the autumn—winter of 969 allows determining the date of the work on manuscripts to this time. It is possible that the manuscripts were commissioned by Emperor Nikephoros II Phokas and his brothers Leo and Constantine.

Keywordspaleography, codicology, Greek manuscripts, polemology, Byzantine military treatises, Perlschrift, monk Ephraim, Emperor Nikephoros II Phokas
Publication date15.10.2020
Number of characters40313
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