Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom), Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameRusskaia literatura
EditionIssue 1

The article focuses on the responses to the death of R. M. Rilke in the context of his cult following that flourished during his lifetime, and on the pervading interest in Dostoyevsky in Germany of the 1920s. The latter influenced the perception of Rilke as a dangerous «Russophile», responsible, along with the others, for the ideological and moral «downfall» of the German culture. Special attention is paid to the first publication of Rilke’s private letter to a Russian correspondent in the Rigasche Rundschau and its correlation with the book Idiotenführer durch die russische Lietratur (A Guide to the Idiots of the Russian Literature) by B. Eckstein-Diener.

KeywordsR. M. Rilke’s cult following, B. Eckstein-Diener, E. Skalberg, Rigasche Rundschau, Dostoyevsky, Baltic literary scene, history of the Russian-German relations in the 1920s.
Publication date01.03.2021
Number of characters37164
100 rub.
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