“The Pragmatic Sanction of Saint Louis”: a Forged Document at the Service of the French Monarchy

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article is devoted to the analysis of the fake “Pragmatic sanction of Louis the Saint”, drawn up in 1438—1450 and designed to confirm the provisions of the original document prepared by the advisers of Charles VII, the Pragmatic sanction of Bourges (1438), which approved the principles of the “Royal religion”, the gallicanism. The author examines the long history of the existence of this fake sanction, the reaction to its appearance of contemporaries (French authors of the 15th century) and their descendants in the 16th — 17th centuries, as well as the first scientific historical works of the 19th century, in which the authenticity of this act was first questioned. On the basis of textual analysis of the document (its structure, features of the language, the use of specific terms), the author comes to the conclusion that in this case we are talking about a gross forgery, the creation of which took place in a great hurry, but fully met the requirements of the political moment — the intention of Charles VII to limit the rights of the Pope in the French Kingdom. Separately, the article deals with the question why the authorship of this fake document was attributed to Louis IX: apparently, an important role in this decision was played not only by the image of the Holy king, but also by the image of the king-legislator, the father of justice of France.

KeywordsFrance, 15th century, political history, Pragmatic sanction, Charles VII, Louis IX, gallicanism, forged documents
Publication date31.10.2020
Number of characters42439
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