Formation of New Life Strategies of the Nomadic Kazakhs the Imperial Frontier of the 19th — Early 20th Century

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Address: Kazahstan, Nur-Sultan
Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Orenburg
Journal nameISTORIYA

The article will analyze the process of the formation of new, different from traditional, life strategies of Kazakh nomads of the imperial frontier zone of the 19th — early 20th centuries based on the analysis of various sources, as well as works and studies devoted to characterizing the specifics of the existence of nomadic forms of management. We studied materials 175 of the Fund of the State Archive of the Orenburg Region, as well as Temporary Provisions on Management in the Steppe Regions of the Orenburg and West Siberian Governor-Generals and Materials on Kyrgyz Land Use published from 1896 to 1915. In addition, certain works of Kazakh literature were drawn, which are unique historical sources. The article is based on the analysis of various historical sources, as well as works and studies devoted to the characteristics of the existence of nomadic forms of management and formation the new types of life strategy. A critical approach to various historical sources allowed us to compare the diverse factual material, reconstruct the transformation, and change in the self-awareness of yesterday's nomads Nomads maximally inscribed in nature and the surrounding landscape retained their identity through the realization of a pastoral way of life and mentality. The gradual, ever more active manifestation of the new logic of development proposed by the Russian Empire, which is alien to nomads, made the Kazakhs develop new mechanisms for survival and self-realization in the proposed circumstances, adapting to them as much as possible. The Kazakh elite of the turn of the 19th — 20th centuries tried to give answers to the classical questions of the intelligentsia: who is to blame and what to do? It was necessary to determine in the further perspective of life: to preserve nomadism, to seek other substitute forms of semi-nomadic forms, or gradually to move to a sedentary life. The specificity of the frontier territory was manifested in the fact that nomadic Kazakhs were actively involved in the process of transforming everyday life and, in order to protect their lands from increasing competition of peasants, learned to rely not only on their own resources, but also to find support in local authorities.

Keywordsnomadic Kazakhs, nomadism, nomads, imperative of behavior, life strategy, acculturation, frontier
Publication date27.12.2021
Number of characters39679
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