Formation and development of legal science, institute of academic degrees and of training in the Republic of Tajikistan

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: head of the faculty no. 1
Affiliation: Academy of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan
Address: Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 7

The article is devoted to the study of the formation and development, the current state of legal science through the prism of the formation and development of legal science of the criminal legal complex, the evolution of the Institute of academic degrees and multi-vector training of highly qualified personnel in the history of Tajikistan. The context of the study also covered the achievements and some features of the dualism of the evolution of legal science and the state system for training highly qualified personnel. Questions of continuity in specific areas of this study play a huge role, since it is not appropriate to study and offer certain recommendations in the gap. The purpose of the study is the author's desire to fill in the incomplete bibliographic list of published works of unique significance and content. For this purpose, the study used empirical methods for obtaining new knowledge, such as comparative legal, historical legal and statistical methods, as well as the method of legal forecasting. To ensure the reliability of the results and conclusions, we used General logical methods-analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and analogy, which allowed us to obtain a holistic perception of the studied subject area. At the end of the analysis, the author offers a periodization of legal science criminal law disciplines, some reflections on the modern system of training of scientific personnel, and the maintenance of the Nomenclature of scientific specialties who are new stages of its formation and development in Tajikistan.

KeywordsTajikistan, legal science, Institute, academic degrees, Nomenclature, evolution, formation and development, scientific specialties, training
Publication date25.07.2022
Number of characters28964
100 rub.
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