Paleomagnetic Studies in the Devonian and Carboniferous Rocks of the Southern Urals: Independent Test of Collision of the Magnitogorsk Island Arc and the Passive Margin of Continent of Laurussia

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Ufa Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation,
Affiliation: Ufa Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Ufa Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Ufa Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Ufa Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameDoklady Akademii nauk
EditionVolume 482 Issue 1

This work presents new paleomagnetic data on Devonian and Lower Carboniferous rocks of the Magnitogorsk zone in the South Urals. The calculated paleomagnetic pole for the Lower - Middle Devonian is quite close to the coeval pole of the paleocontinent Baltica (Laurussia), which indicates the probable position of the Magnitogorsk island arc the fairly close to the continent, but not in touch with it. Paleomagnetic data on rocks of the Lower Carboniferous age may indicate that in the Early Carboniferous the Magnitogorsk island arc experienced a turn, collided with the continent and formed a single whole with it.

Publication date04.11.2018
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