Cyborg in the “mirror” of philosophical reflection (using the example of the game “Cyberpunk 2077”)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 16 Sofia Kovalevskaya Str., Ekaterinburg 620108, Russian Federation
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 33 Issue 1

The cyborg is the most important futurological character, and its analysis is the purpose of this article. In order for the understanding of the Cyborg not to be limited to the idea of the complementation of man and machine, philosophical reflection is required. Methodological basis of the research: the method of topological reflection allows analyzing works of mass art as the “subconscious” of culture. The author analyzes the topos and the Cyborg concept, comparing them. The article considers the computer game “Cyberpunk 2077” as a Cyborg topos. The concept of the cyborg is analyzed mainly on the example of the philosophical concept of “cybergotics” (N. Land). The author suggests a thought experiment: taking into account the arguments of the “materialistic” direction of media theory and the concept of a Cyborg, present the concept of a game about a Cyborg, and then compare it with the analyzed topos. As a result, it becomes clear that the concept and the topos of the Cyborg represent opposite cultural strategies, although we are talking about the same futurological character. This internal conflict allows us to talk about the Cyborg as a “new Proteus”: he is “multi-faceted” and is associated with the “art of concealment”. The Cyborg “hides” deep intentions, and this prevents us from considering the Cyborg in the spirit of exclusively transhumanism. The author shows that the connotations of the machinery in this image are related to the needs of the “upgrade”. It is designed to preserve human identity. The scientific novelty of the research is to develop a reflexive approach to the Cyborg as an important media figure, as well as to explore its futurological potential. The differentiation of the concept and the topos allows for a more comprehensive view of a complex cultural phenomenon. A new interpretation of the Cyborg is proposed. The results of the conducted research can be used in philosophical futurology (as arguments against excessive optimism of transhumanistic ideas), in media studies. In addition, the proposed approach can contribute to the development of the method of topological reflection.

Keywordscyborg, futurology, transhumanism, concept, topos, human identity, proteism
Publication date14.03.2022
Number of characters26866
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