The Higher Orthodox Theological School in Russia in the Context of Changing Ideas About a Person

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Ph.D. in Sociology, Senior Researcher, Department for Analysis of Socio-Cultural Foundations of Political Processes
Affiliation: Institute of sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, 117218, Moscow, Krzhizhanovskogo st., 24/35, building 5
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 33 Issue 5

The aim of the article is to consider the possibilities of the higher theological school of the Russian Orthodox Church in the context of changing ideas about a person in the world. The article talks about the monetization of the education system and the theory of human capital as the main principles of social development. It is emphasized that this affects, among other things, theological universities and the system of spiritual education as a whole. On the example of Catholic universities, which are fully faced with the challenges of our time, in particular with changes in ideas about a person, popularization of the ideas of the philosophy of "new atheism", observed "new moral sensitivity", the risks and changes in Orthodox theological education are assessed, the article is problematized and the proposed topic is updated. The significance of this work increases due to the fact that sociological studies of such a group as the seminary community have not been conducted in Russia since 1988. The author of the article proposes to solve the set goal in two ways. The first one is through a comparative analysis of ideas about a person and his purpose in Orthodox anthropology and in the philosophy of the “new atheism”, with a very general linking of the latter to atheism in the USSR. It is proposed not only a theoretical postulation, but also an assessment of students' answers to an open question about spirituality, both the meaning of a Christian's life and the purpose of spiritual education. In addition, an assessment is made of the potential of the highest Orthodox theological school in Russia, what kind of personality it is oriented towards and how it is in tune with modern requirements. The article gives a social portrait of the seminarian, offers an analysis of the students' intentions, especially regarding ordination and the intended direction of ministry, the degree of his responsibility for himself and others. The second way — through the assessment of "the priesthood as a vocation" and "the priesthood as a profession" (M. Weber), the guidelines of the students themselves and the theological academy as a value-normative system are established.

Keywordsorthodox anthropology, philosophy of new atheism, new moral sensibility, anthropology of closure and hatred, neoliberalism, globalization of education, higher orthodox theological schools
AcknowledgmentThe article was prepared within the framework of the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 21-011-43046 of the USSR. Project manager: Ph.D. O.V. Aksenova
Publication date09.11.2022
Number of characters33930
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