The Phenomenon of Self-deception and the Problem of Human Maturity

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Address: 48/11 Moika Embankment, St. Petersburg 191186, Russia
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 32 Issue №4

Self-deception is part of the immature state problem, so understanding it is relevant, especially for the education. The presented analysis is made from the standpoint of philosophical anthropology of subjectness, based on phenomenological and dialectical approaches. Compared with many interpretations of self-deception, the presented version is focuses on the fundamental level of self-deception, since other versions not only do not answer about the primary source of the phenomenon, but are fraught with contradictions and insufficiency. The understanding of self-deception in the article proceeds from the analysis of the experience of internal dialogue, touching upon the problem of duality. "Participants" of the internal dialogue — "I" and "myself" reveal in the discretion their own characteristics, explainable from the point of view of different layers of experience and, especially, subjectnost' .

The appeal to the fundamental level for understanding self-deception coincides with the position of Sartre, but the presented interpretation does not coincide with his. Ripening to a mature state is explained in connection with the changes that oppose self-deception — in the mastering of "I" and "myself" and their relations.

Keywordsself-deception, separation, "I", "myself", representation, quasi-subject, maturity, education
Publication date28.09.2021
Number of characters29628
100 rub.
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