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1. Iz perepiski S.L. Franka i N.A. Berdjaeva (1923–1926) [From the correspondence of S.L. Frank and N.A. Berdyaev, ed, by A.A. Gaponenkov]. Voprosy filosofii. 2014. N 2. P. 139.
2. Luks L. S.L. Frank o russkoj revolyucii i evropejskom krizise XX stoletiya [S.L. Frank on the Russian Revolution and the 20-th century European crisis]. Chelovek. 2018. N 3. P. 68–81.
3. Perepiska S.L. Franka s V.B. Elyashevichem i F.O. El‛yashevich (1922‒1950) [The correspondence between S.L. Frank and V.B. El’iashevich and F.O. El’yashevich (1922‒1950)]. Issledovaniya po istorii russkoi mysli. Ezhegodnikz 2015 god [Studies in history of Russian thought, Yearbook for 2015, ed. by M.A. Kolerov]. Moscow: Modest Kolerov Publ., 2016. P. 144.
4. Perepiska S.L. Franka, V.L. Franka, F. Hajlera, Dzh. Bella i izdatel'stva Anton Pustet (1934–1938, 1946 gg.) [Correspondence of S. L. Frank, W. L. Frank, F. Heiler, J. Bell and Anton Pustet (1934–1938, 1946)], transl. from German by A.S. Tsygankov, from English by T. Obolevich, ed. by N.V. Motroshilova]. Istoriko-filosofskii ezhegodnik 2018. Moscow: Akvilon Publ., 2018. P. 314–336.
5. Frank S.L. to B. Becker. A.S. Tsygankov, T. Obolevich. Gollandskij epizod v filosofskoj biografii S.L. Franka (novye materialy) [Dutch episode in the philosophical biography of S.L. Frank (new materials)]. Moscow: IFRAN Publ., 2020. P. 228–294.
6. Frank S.L. Eres’ utopizma [The heresy of utopianism]. S.L. Frank. Po tu storonu pravogo i levogo [Beyond the right and left]. Paris: YMCA-Press, 1972. P. 85–106.
7. Perepiska D.I. Chizhevskogo i S.L. Franka [Correspondence D.I. Chizhevsky and S.L. Frank], ed. by M.A. Vasil’eva, L.S. Flejshman. Russkii Berlin 1920–1945 gg. [Russian Berlin 1920–1945]. Moscow: Russkii put’ Publ., 2006. P. 327.
8. Frank S.L. Predsmertnoe. Vospominaniya i mysli [Deathbed. Memories and thoughts]. Vestnik RHD. 1986. N 146. P. 117.
9. Frank S.L. Eticheskie, filosofsko-pravovye i socialno-filosofskie napravleniya v sovremennoj russkoj filosofii vne SSSR [Ethical, philosophical, legal and socio-philosophical trends in modern Russian philosophy outside the USSR]. S.L. Frank. Russkoe mirovozzrenie [Russian worldview]. St. Petersburg: Nauka Publ., 1996. P. 630–645.
10. Tsygankov A.S. Velikaya Otechestvennaya vojna glazami russkoj filosofskoj emigracii: S.L. Frank i B.B. Bekker [The Great Patriotic War Through the Eyes of the Russian Philosophical Emigration: S.L. Frank and B.B. Becker]. Voprosy Filosofii. 2020. Vol. 12. P. 182‒186.
11. Tsygankov A.S., Obolevich T. “Germaniia uzhe stala dlia menia moei vtoroi rodinoi”: zhiznennyi i tvorcheskii put’ S.L. Franka v perepiske s F. Khailerom et circum [“Germany has Already Become my Second Homeland”: S.L. Frank’s Life and Work in Correspondence with F. Heiler et circum], ed. by N.V. Motroshilova]. Istoriko-filosofskii ezhegodnik 2018. Moscow: Akvilon Publ., 2018. P. 293–313.
12. Tsygankov A.S., Obolevich, T. Nemeckij period filosofskoj biografii S.L. Franka (novye materialy) [The German period of philosophical biography S.L. Frank (new materials)]. Moscow: IFRAN Publ., 2019.
13. Tsygankov A.S., Obolevich T. Protestantskaja organizacija «Russische Bruderhilfe» i ee rol’ v tvorcheskoj biografii S.L. Franka 1930-h gg. [Protestant Organization “Russische Bruderhilfe” and its Role in the Creative Biography of S.L. Frank in 1930s.]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Filosofiya i konfliktologiya, (in print).
14. Tsygankov A.S., Obolevitch, T. S.L. Frank v arkhive F. Nitzsche: vystuplenie v Veimare 1932 g. [S.L. Frank in the F. Nietzsche archives: A 1932 lecture in Weimar]. Filosofskii zhurnal, 2020. Vol. 13. N 4. P. 171‒192.
15. E.V. Otkrytie Russkogo Nauchnogo Instituta [Opening of the Russian Scientific Institute]. Vozrozhdenie.1934. N 3167. P. 5.
16. Anton Pustet an S. Frank 11.7.1938. Archive of Fr. Peter Scorer.
17. Bekanntmachung der Verordnung über die Einführung des Reichskulturkammergesetzes im Lande Österreich. Gesetzblatt für das Land Österreich. 1938. St. 66. P. 555.
18. Erklärung. Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University, New York, S.L. Frank Papers, Box 16.
19. Frank S. Die Krise des Humanismus. Eine Betrachtung aus der Sicht Dostojevskijs. Hochland. 1931. N 2. P. 289–296.
20. Frank S. Ethische, rechts- und sozialphilosophische Strömungen in der modernen russischen Philosophie außerhalb USSR. Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie. 1936. Bd. 29. P. 64‒81.
21. Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums. Deutsches Reichsgesetzblatt. Bd. 1933. Teil I. N 34. P. 175.
22. Hartmut R.P. Das russische wissenschaftliche Institut in Berlin im Spiegel seiner Lehr- und Forschungsaktivitäten. Annährungen an eine Wertung. Germaniya na perekrestkah istorii: Problemy vnutrennej i vneshnej politiki v kontekste transformacij mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij: sb. statej [Germany at the Crossroads of History: Problems of Domestic and Foreign Policy in the Context of Transformation of International Relations: a collection of articles.] Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publ., 2016. P. 52.
23. M. Gurewitsch an L. Binswanger. Universitätsarchiv Tübingen. 443/7, 34.
24. Notebooks of Semen Frank. Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University, New York, S.L. Frank Papers, Box 15.
25. S. Frank an L. Binswanger. Universitätsarchiv Tübingen. 443/7, 4.
26. S. Frank an L. Binswanger. Universitätsarchiv Tübingen. 443/7, 36.
27. S. Frank an L. Binswanger. Universitätsarchiv Tübingen. 443/7, 43.
28. S. Frank an L. Binswanger. Universitätsarchiv Tübingen. 443/7, 63.
29. S. Frank an L. Binswanger. Universitätsarchiv Tübingen. 443/7, 129.
30. S. Frank an L. Binswanger. Universitätsarchiv Tübingen. 443/7, 449.
31. Tatiana Frank’s notes or conversations with her husband. Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University, New York, S.L. Frank Papers, Box 16.
32. Wiedergutmachungssache. Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture, Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Columbia University, New York, S.L. Frank Papers, Box 16.