Existence of the Other: The Problem of Recognition

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor of the Department of History of Foreign and National Philosophy
Affiliation: Southern Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don
Occupation: Рrofessor of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Statistical Modeling
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 32 Issue №1

The article reviews the perspectives of the phenomenon of recognition in human communication. An analysis was made by means of ontological aspect, which refers to the notion that any communicative action is based on the recognition of the Other as an existing subject. The authors address methodological approach according to which the phenomena describing consciousness need categorical pairs. Thus, the recognition of the Other as an existing subject implies, on the one hand, complement of the recognition by the notion of support, and, on the other hand, the recognition itself is preceded by the “perception — acceptance” relationship. Perception of the Other, in its turn, is closely related to its detection and acceptance within a specific socio-cultural context offering typical methods of response that are implemented within the framework of preliminary created readiness. The authors emphasize insufficiency of the existing scheme of relationships with the Other as with Thou or It. They assume possibility of existence of a certain mode of You where the Other appears not as an object and not as a mentally close person, but rather as an emotionally neutral subject-agent of society and culture. The authors also reject consideration of the Other as “the most alien person” pointing to the possibility of exchange opinions, namely they show two ways of recognition of the Other possessing commendable or condemned qualities in society: the possibility to join public opinion or to stand on one’s own point of view. So, the ontological status of a “genius” is mostly created by the public recognition of a person as a “genius”. In this sense, “an increase of the number of geniuses” is determined by their recognition as “geniuses”. The article analyzes approaches to the status and assessment of the notion of the Other by J.-P. Sartre, J. Lacan and E. Levinas. The authors review the recognition of the Other in private context being significant and insignificant, desirable and undesirable, perfect and transforming, seen comprehensively and from the one perspective. Besides, the authors raise the question concerning the unity of the recognition by a person of his/her own cultural and ontological qualities and the recognition of these qualities by Others.

Keywordsthe Other, communication, existence, ontological aspect, recognition, support, perception, acceptance, readiness, socio-cultural context of recognition
Publication date19.03.2021
Number of characters33903
100 rub.
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