Philosophical Justification of Risk and Catastrophe as a Spontaneous Return to Pristine Origins

Publication type Article
Status Published
St. Petersburg State University
St. Petersburg State University of Culture
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 31 Issue №6

The concepts of risk and catastrophe as fundamental philosophical categories are considered in the article. Without the inclusion of these categories persons does not achieve their integrity. The topic of risk, which is relevant at the present moment, during a pandemу of coronavirus, touches upon some moments of borderline situations in which persons has to double-check their reasons of being and find their own answer to the challenge of time, as the situation does not offer a reliable social answer. The ideas of M. Merleau-Ponti (relating to the problems of the body and the ideas of the body of the riskier) and E. Levinas (his ethics of the Other, which replaces the more abstract ontology in the understanding of the individual) are used in the article. Author refers to philosophical conceptions of F. Nietzsche and M. Bakhtin, whose approaches make it possible to get into the depths of the modern situation, to live in its metaphysical truths and to chart prospects of understanding the positive essence of risk and catastrophe, and of the future that one can start to enter, seriously and deeply entering the modern realities of human life. It give the opportunity to outline the ideal that could be dictated by this future, not only eternal, but also referring to the modern situation in its concreteness, as well as semantic, ideological perspectives of mankind, which are already ready to be gradually, environmentally and ecological implemented in the risk life of nowadays, replacing the idea of risk as “jerk”. The existential output of philosophical ideas depends on the language of their presentation (that style of Nietzsche proves), therefore one of the aims of the author of the article is not to lose the emotional and aesthetic component of sense formation (manifested in some ways in the depth of mythopoetic logic).

Keywordsphilosophy of risk, philosophy of catastrophes, myth-making, mythopoiesis, parrhesia, fundamental challenges, Е. Levinas
Publication date23.12.2020
Number of characters35935
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