Monastic schools: history and contemporaneity

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: associate Professor of the faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious studies, Russian Christian Academy of Humanities
Address: 15 Fontanka embankment, St. Petersburg 191011, Russian Federation
Affiliation: associate Professor of the faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious studies, Russian Christian Academy of Humanities
Address: 15 Fontanka embankment, St. Petersburg 191011, Russian Federation
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 30 Issue №1

The article is devoted to the history of monastic schools in the East, in Europe and in Russia from ancient times to the present day. Genetic connection of monasticism to the first Disciples of Christ is considered as the basis for monasticism to be bringing spiritual culture and enlightenment to the world. Educational activity is recognized as the most important area of life of the monasteries. An attempt is made to systematize the pedagogical experience of Christian saints of different ages and nationalities, united in caring for the upbringing and education of the younger generations. On the basis of historical documents and patristic writings the review of practical methods of monastic education, organization of monastic schools and prospects of graduates is made. Communication with prayer, educator’s example, love, delicacy, moderate rigor and spiritual creativity are evaluated as most important educational methods. Sobriety, humility and sacrifice are viewed as tutorial basics. The tendency of revival of monastic schools is a reflection of the search of modern Russians for holistic education. The expertise of monastic education proves its universal goals and can be incorporated into virtually any pedagogical system.

Keywordsmonastic schools, modern education, morality, integrity, Enlightenment, Christianity
Publication date29.03.2019
Number of characters49912
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Система Orphus
