The Fate of Cabinda

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 10

The article attempts to analyze historical factors of entering Cabinda into Angola; аn overview of the key moments of the formation of FLEC as a separatist organization from the moment of formation to the present day is given. The article affects political base of the secession movement and government official opinion on the case and measures taken at various times by the leadership of Angola in the context of Cabinda question to prevent the destabilization of the political situation in the enclave. The issue of preserving the Cabinda in Angola was fundamental for the leadership of the country. Since the proclamation of independence, one of the main slogans of the new government has been: «From Cabinda to Kunene - one people, one nation!». What are the ways of solving this long-standing problem at the beginning of the new millennium? Perhaps it will run out when the oil of the region iscompletely extracted, and Cabinda will lose its economic importance. Although even in this case, the Government of Angola is unlikely to abandon this strategically important territory. At present, the leadership of the country pursues a policy, on the one hand, to solve the economic, social and other problems of the province and its population, thus eliminating the reasons for the frustrationamong the population and the criticism of the central authorities. Оn the other hand, work for exploration of mineral resources has been under way for some time in other territories to diminish the economic role of Cabinda.

KeywordsAngola, Cabinda, FLEC, conflict, secessionism
Publication date19.10.2018
Number of characters828
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