S. I. Kostin and the emergence of studies into the biological effects of alternating electric field in the Russian Empire

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “National Research Center for New Technologies Safety”
Address: Russian Federation, 109028, Moscow, Yauzskaya ul., 1/15, str. 1
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 40 4
AbstractOn the 25 th of May 1898, S. I. Kostin defended his doctoral dissertation, “Towards the theory of physiological action of electric field on motor nerve”, at the Kharkov University, which marked the beginning of studies into the biological effects of alternating electric (electromagnetic) field in the Russian Empire. This paper is devoted to the analysis of Kostin’s dissertation and its role in the development of a new research area. It is noted, inter alia, that this dissertation was based on the hypothesis of similarity of the physiological effects of electricity and electric (electromagnetic) field that was confirmed by the works of other scientists, and had an important role in the development of studies into the biological effects of alternating electromagnetic field.
KeywordsS. I. Kostin, V. Ya. Danilevsky, electric field, nerve, irritant, biological effect, dissertation, experimental study, priority
Publication date16.12.2019
Number of characters23825
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