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Additional sources and materials
1. Stekol'schikov V.Ya. Narodnaya Respublika Kongo v bor'be za sotsialisticheskuyu orientatsiyu. M., 1976. (Stekolchikov V.Y. 1976. People’s Republic of the Congo in the struggle for a socialist orientation. M.) (In Russ.)
2. Sovremennye afrikanskie lidery: Politicheskie portrety. M., 2001. (Sontemporary African leaders: Political portraits. M., 2001) (In Russ.)
3. Podrobnee sm.: Ehtitieh Zh. Krizis odnopartijnogo rezhima i stanovlenie mnogopartijnoj sistemy v Respublike Kongo // Avtoreferat diss. … k.polit.n. M., 2004. (Etiquette J. 2004. Crisis of the one-party regime and the formation of a multi-party system in the Republic of Congo // PhD (Political Science) thesis. M.) (In Russ.)
4. Afrika: mnogovariantnost' razvitiya. M., 1997. (1997. Africa: diversity and development. M.) (In Russ.)
5. Ngouabi M. Vers la construction d’une socijtj socialiste en Afrique. Paris, 1975.
6. Sovremennaya Afrika: itogi i perspektivy razvitiya. Ehvolyutsiyapoliticheskikhstruktur. M., 1990. (1990. Modern Africa: results and prospects of development. Evolution of political structures. M.) (InRuss.)
7. Goryachev Yu.A., Krasil'nikov A.S. Molodezhnoe dvizhenie v stranakh sotsialisticheskoj orientatsiyu Baku, 1982. (Goryachev Yu.A., Krasilnikov A.S. 1982. The Youth movement in the countries of socialist orientation. Baku) (InRuss.)
8. Moshnyaga V.P. Molodezh' v bor'be za mir i sotsial'nyj progress. M., 1981, s. 152-153. (Moshnyaga V.P. 1981. Youth in the struggle for peace and social progress. M.)(In Russ.)