African-Russian family in the maelstrom of conflict. Confession of a countryman

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Professor, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russia, Moscow
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 7

Modern Africa is often referred to as a» conflict continent», a» conflict territory». More than half of all armed conflicts in the world occur on this continent, which has provided it with a reputation as the most conflict region of the planet. Here, peace and war go side by side. one of the reasons for the emergence and complexity of conflict resolution is the psychological factor, since African society has formed a specific stereotype of lifestyle in which the military sphere of activity, participation in armed actions, various wars and conflicts turns into a way of existence and habitat. Moving to permanent residence in Africa in the second half of the twentieth century, our women, without knowing it, are in the zone of increased conflict. The half-century - long history of Russian women living permanently with their husbands in the African continent is filled with stories, dramatic conflicts and tragic cases involving vulnerability to insecurity - real and legal-of the woman herself and her children, both at the time of hostilities and at a time of aggravation of the domestic political situation in the country of permanent residence. The article is based on the memoirs of a Russian woman - wife of a Congolese officer, who was educated in the USSR, about the internal political events in the People’s Republic of the Congo in the second half of the1970s. Her husband was an associate of Marian Ngouabi, at that time President of the country, whose bright but short (he had not lived forty years) biography is full of UPS and downs, victories and failures, wise decisions and strategic errors typical for the political career of the leader of the young independent African countries. This is the story «in the first person», because our countryman unwittingly was their not only a direct witness, but also a victim of a political conflict.

Keywordspolitical conflict, compatriots, «mixed marriage», socialist orientation, army, ethno-tribal ties, coup d’йtat, political process
Publication date27.08.2018
Number of characters23468
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Additional sources and materials

1.       Stekol'schikov V.Ya. Narodnaya Respublika Kongo v bor'be za sotsialisticheskuyu orientatsiyu. M., 1976. (Stekolchikov V.Y. 1976. People’s Republic of the Congo in the struggle for a socialist orientation. M.) (In Russ.)

 2.       Sovremennye afrikanskie lidery: Politicheskie portrety. M., 2001. (Sontemporary African leaders: Political portraits. M., 2001) (In Russ.)

 3.       Podrobnee sm.: Ehtitieh Zh. Krizis odnopartijnogo rezhima i stanovlenie mnogopartijnoj sistemy v Respublike Kongo // Avtoreferat diss. … k.polit.n. M., 2004. (Etiquette J. 2004. Crisis of the one-party regime and the formation of a multi-party system in the Republic of Congo // PhD (Political Science) thesis. M.) (In Russ.)

 4.       Afrika: mnogovariantnost' razvitiya. M., 1997. (1997. Africa: diversity and development. M.) (In Russ.)

 5.       Ngouabi M. Vers la construction d’une socijtj socialiste en Afrique. Paris, 1975.

 6.       Sovremennaya Afrika: itogi i perspektivy razvitiya. Ehvolyutsiyapoliticheskikhstruktur. M., 1990. (1990. Modern Africa: results and prospects of development. Evolution of political structures. M.) (InRuss.)

 7.       Goryachev Yu.A., Krasil'nikov A.S. Molodezhnoe dvizhenie v stranakh sotsialisticheskoj orientatsiyu Baku, 1982. (Goryachev Yu.A., Krasilnikov A.S. 1982. The Youth movement in the countries of socialist orientation. Baku) (InRuss.)

 8.       Moshnyaga V.P. Molodezh' v bor'be za mir i sotsial'nyj progress. M., 1981, s. 152-153. (Moshnyaga V.P. 1981. Youth in the struggle for peace and social progress. M.)(In Russ.)


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