L. S. Stern on women scientists in the USSR: Unpublished materials from the archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Publication type Article
Status Published
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 39 3

This publication comprises a foreword devoted to personal, scientific and public lives of Lina Solomonovna Stern (1878–1968), an outstanding Soviet scientist and the first woman elected full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and two previously unpublished papers by Stern, concerned with women scientists’ position in the Soviet Union. The first of these two papers was written in 1937; it is the text of Stern’s address at the Creative Conference of Leningrad’s Women Scientists, held on March 5–7, 1937 and devoted to the 20th anniversary of Soviet Power. The second article was written 20 years later, in 1957. It was commissioned by the “Sovetskaya zhenshchina” (Soviet Woman) magazine – this time, for the 40th anniversary of Soviet Power. These two papers differ in their overall sentiment and in the judgment of women’s position in scientific profession in the USSR. They reflect the evolution of Stern’s views on this problem and, for the first time, present her not only as a prominent scientist but also as an informal leader of Soviet women scientists. The original papers are stored in Stern’s personal funds at the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Stern’s papers are accompanied by the relevant notional and archaeographic comments.

KeywordsL. S. Stern, women scientists in the USSR, Creative Conference of Leningrad’s Women Scientists.
Publication date11.10.2018
Number of characters1042
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