Venezuelan crisis and Russia

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 11

The article discusses the causes of the Venezuelan crisis, the factors causing its aggravation in 2017-2019, as well as the role of Russia and other Venezuelan allies in preventing US military intervention in the conflict between the government of N.Maduro and the internal opposition led by J. Guaydo. Analyzed are the measures taken by the leadership of Venezuela, the governments of Russia, China and Turkey, as well as the International Red Cross to stabilize the socio-economic situation in the country. The author notes that one-by-one sanctions and other measures, the ultimate goal of which was to dislodge the government of N.Maduro, did not lead to success, although they created serious additional problems in solving the tasks facing the country's leadership. The most important positive results of joint actions of the government and countries allied with Venezuela include the refusal of US President D. Trump to intervene in the internal Venezuelan conflict, as well as the fact that Venezuela was able to substantially compensate for the cessation of oil supplies to the US by increasing exports to Asian countries Pacific region. The author notes the crucial role of Russia in preventing US aggression in Venezuela, its role as a lender of last resort, as well as in ensuring the critical supply of gasoline, diluents and humanitarian aid. The key to resolving the acute problems facing Venezuela, the author sees, above all, in the economic sphere. It is necessary to ensure a reversal of the negative trend in oil production, the stability of its sales and pay off Venezuelan debt to Russia and China. This may allow a transition to the accumulation of resources to suppress inflation and settle obligations to holders of Venezuelan bonds.

KeywordsVenezuela, crisis, government, allies, intervention, sanctions, creditors, liabilities, oil
Publication date21.10.2019
Number of characters31452
100 rub.
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