Productivity of cauliflower varieties and hybrids depending on date of sowing and planting

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: PhD in Agricultural sciences
Affiliation: Dagestan Experiment StationN.I. Vavilov All-Research Institute of Plant Industry
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameVestnik of The Russian agricultural science

Research of new varieties and hybrids of cauliflower in the summer-autumn culture of cultivation in 2015-2017 was carried out. High ambient temperature of 26.2 ° C and low humidity of 59% was sustaining from the first decade of June 2015. The maximum values of the daily mean temperatures were higher than the average long-term indicators by 8.8-9.1 °C. The 2016summer was also hot with the air humidity of 64%. The amount of precipitation for three months (June-August) was 113.1 mm. Maximum of air temperature in the summer month reached 35.6 ° C.The beginning of the vegetation period of 2017 was characterized by an elevated temperature with low humidity. During the summer months there was occasional precipitation. September-November: no precipitation, positive temperatures were remaining, the plants continued vegetation during irrigation on furrows. The formation of the heads of the cauliflower continued until January 22, 2018. It was established that the varietal reaction according to the upward dynamics of the assimilation apparatus during growth and development for three years is unequal. Based on the analysis results of the broccoli varieties and hybrids a comparison was drawn between the productivity, early maturity, the maturity of the heads, the quality, the length of vegetation of plants and control group. It is noted that the head should be removed in due time to prevent its growth to gigantic proportions. At the same time all biochemical substances that are beneficial to the human body are preserved. The tissue near head does not coarsen, and it can be used both fresh and processed. Samples set used for research contained new hybrids with better productivity and quality. 

Keywordscauliflower, productiveness, varieties, hybrids, period of vegetation and head formation, agrotechnics
Publication date29.10.2018
Number of characters1573
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