Digital farming

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Academician of RAS
Affiliation: V.V. Dokuchayev Soil Institute
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Academician of the RAS
Affiliation: V.V. Dokuchayev Soil Institute
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: The Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Corresponding member of RAS
Affiliation: V.V. Dokuchayev Soil Institute
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameVestnik of The Russian agricultural science

The expediency of inclusion in the program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" of the subprogram "Digital Agriculture" is substantiated. The unified concept today includes at least 6 basic ("portfolio") directions, followed by filling them with initiative projects of the full cycle (events): "Digital technologies in the management of the agro-industrial complex", "Smart land use", "Smart field", "Smart garden "," Clever greenhouse "," Smart farm ". Formed in the digital and information service, they should make up the common Federal Digital Platform of the Federal Executive Bodies, first of all the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Agriculture, will require constant rigid harmonization of indicators. We need local digital platforms and information systems for the scientific process, innovations and specific pilot projects, corporate and partner. A conceptual model of "digital farming" is proposed in the framework of the "Digital (smart) land use" direction, based on the generalization of experience and development of adaptive landscape systems of agriculture and science intensive agrotechnologies. The model includes 5 blocks: basic research (the main mechanisms of implementation are the development of spatial planning on a landscape-ecological basis in the system of strategic planning and design of agricultural landscapes), applied research (aimed at developing methods and means of designing agro landscapes and systems of agriculture on a landscape-ecological basis) , designing adaptive-landscape systems of agriculture and agrotechnologies, development of projects (it is necessary to develop in addition to the development of new educational programs, a radical transformation of the practical training of students and the creation of an educational and production base that is adequate to modern realities, in particular, experimental and training production farms, which correspond to perspective models of agricultural production). 

Keywordsdigital economy, information service, farming systems, landscape design, agricultural production model
Publication date29.10.2018
Number of characters2139
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