Russian gestures from a linguistic perspective (dedicated to the publication of Elena A. Grishina’s monograph)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Institute of linguistics RAS
Address: Moscow, Russia
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 5

The present survey celebrates the publication of Elena A. Grishina’s monograph “Russian gestures from a linguistic perspective” (2017) and is devoted to the description of modern corpus studies in the field of gestural, or multimodal, linguistics, which examines spontaneous gestures in their relation to oral communication. The survey describes the features of Elena A. Grishina’s approach, which make her research unique not only for Russian linguistics, but also internationally.


Keywordsgesticulation, multimodal linguistics, oral communication
Publication date08.10.2018
Number of characters549
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