Asyndetic complement clauses with the Russian verb dumat’ ‘think’

Publication type Article
Status Published
Russian State University for the Humanities
Moscow State University of Education
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow, 125267; 109240
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 5

The paper is focused on asyndetic complement clauses with the Russian verb dumat’ ‘think’. This verb can occur as a head of a complement or a parenthetic clause. I propose in this paper the criteria to distinguish between these two types of constructions (the presence of a noun as a subject of thinking, adverbials, particles, appositions, main clause phenomena, as well as prosodic pattern, etc.) and consider the semantics of complement clauses with dumat’. The data is taken from the Russian National Corpus, S. Sharoff’s corpora and from the Internet.

Keywordsasyndetic complements, complement clauses, complementation, mental verbs, parentheticals, verbs of opinion
Publication date16.10.2017
Number of characters625
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