Nutrition (pitanije) and nurture (vospitanije) in the light of the Slavic lexicon

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 2

The paper considers the semantic structure of several Slavic lexical-etymological clusters, which include meanings relating to nutrition, food, feeding, and meanings of the field of nurture and education at the same time (*pitati, *kъrmiti, *xovati, *godovati, *gojiti, *xorniti, *pasti, *bergti, *stergti). The notion of education, metaphorically and metonymically derived from the concept of feeding, can develop both on the basis of the motive of child nutrition (*pitati, *kъrmiti) and on the basis of the motive of feeding or breeding domestic animals (*xovati, *godovati, *pasti). It may also be based on the semantics of protection, care, life-sustaining, which is inherent primarily for clusters *bergti, *stergti, *pasti, *xorniti, *xovati and secondarily to other lexical units.

Keywordscare, education, feeding, food, lexical semantics, nutrition, semantic derivation, semantic reconstruction, Slavic languages
Publication date11.04.2016
Number of characters828
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