«Speech genre» theory and actual processes in contemporary speaking

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saratov State University
Address: Saratov, 410012, Russia
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 6

The idea is developed that the theory of speech genres can be effectively used for representing the speech picture of modernity. This is made possible due to such potentialities of this theory, advanced by Bakhtin, as the connection between speech genres and language, the dialogic nature of «theme», «style», and «composition» of speech genre, the existence of primary and secondary speech genres, the ability of some speech genres for creative variation. In the article, the current modernity (at the turn of the 21st century) is analyzed, with its trends towards globalization and the Internet, although the proposed model has, according to the author, a more universal potential, thanks to the inclusion of such parameters as etymological and lexical aspects of speech genres, illocutionary target-setting, and the tendency to borrow genres.

Keywordstheory of speech genres, speech picture of modernity, borrowing speech genres, secondary speech genres, internet genres, etymology
Publication date25.11.2015
Number of characters861
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