Verbal inflectional classes in Soikkola Ingrian

Publication type Article
Status Published
University of Tartu
Institute for Linguistic Studiesб Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
University of Tartu
Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 3

This paper analyses verbal inflection in the Soikkola dialect of the Ingrian language. Ingrian has a rich morphology and is abundant with stem alternations. In order to describe such complicated system, one needs to elaborate a detailed but easy-to-use system of inflectional classes. We suggest a number of principles for distinguishing inflectional classes, and apply them to the Ingrian material. Our paper describes morphological categories of the Ingrian verb, gives an overview of the stem alternations, and presents a system of inflectional classes based on the distribution of different stem types in the paradigm. The proposed description allows building a full paradigm of Ingrian verbs. The research is based on 450 paradigms recorded from the speakers of the Soikkola dialect in 2006–2019. The paper provides ample illustrative material: examples of verbal paradigms representing different inflectional classes.

Keywordsalternations, Finnic, Ingrian language, morphology, pardigmatic classes, verbal inflection
AcknowledgmentThis research was supported by the University of Tartu, grant PHVEE18904. The authors are very grateful to the anonymous reviewers and Mehmed Muslimov for valuable comments on the article.
Publication date26.06.2020
Number of characters84760
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