The category of directionality in Russian paired verbs of motion (a case study of LETETʹ / LETATʹ)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Université de Montréal
Address: Canada, Montréal
Affiliation: INALCO
Address: France, Paris
Affiliation: Université de Montréal
Address: Canada, Montréal
Affiliation: Université de Lorraine
Address: France, Nancy
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 1

The object of the study is the set of Russian determinate / indeterminate motion verbs (of the LETETʹ / LETATʹ ‘fly’ type). A full-fl edged lexicographic description of the LETETʹ / LETATʹ pair is proposed; its analysis leads to the formulation of the semantic difference between the members of determinate / indeterminate motion verb pairs. This difference is described by means of an infl ectional verbal category — the category of directionality (napravlennostʹ). Accordingly, the members of a determinate / indeterminate motion verb pair are considered to be infl ectional forms of one lexeme; consequently, they can be presented in one lexicographic entry.

Keywordsderivation, determinate / indeterminate motion verbs, directionality category, explanatory-combinatorial lexicography, grammeme, inflection, Russian
Publication date02.03.2020
Number of characters49585
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