Modal and evidential strategies for future anterior in European languages: Questionnaire and corpus data

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Vinogradov Russian Language Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow, 119019
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 6

The paper is dedicated to the semantics of future anterior with reference to the past in European languages. The study is based on the data from parallel corpora and on the questionnaire. Data from several European languages, such as Romance (French, Italian and Romanian), German, Baltic (Lithuanian and Latvian), Balkan Slavic (Bulgarian, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian and its Čakavian dialect), Greek and Albanian, are taken into account. As a result, a wide range of different modal-evidential strategies of future anterior was identifi ed, namely presumptive, inferential, ignorative, endophoric and unconscious, mirative and dubitative. They all develop from the epistemic source, viz. from the ability of the future anterior to express epistemic distance. It is more typical for the future anterior to be used as a marker of personal indirect evidence in presumptive, inferential, unconscious and endophoric contexts, but less typical in mirative and dubitative contexts.

KeywordsBalkan languages, Baltic, epistemic modality, European area, evidentiality, future, future anterior, Romance, Slavic, taxis
AcknowledgmentThe research is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project 17-34-01061-OGN “Slavic future anterior in the typological perspective”
Publication date20.12.2019
Number of characters63048
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