Proof by Contradiction in Sentence and Text

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Dubna International Univ. for Nature, Society, and Man
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 3

The paper is devoted to the proof by contradiction (PbC), its logic, pragmatics, and means of expression in Russian. It is stated that the main communicative-pragmatic function of PbC is refutation, realized in two logical-argumentational varieties: No-refutation and Yes-refutation, when one refutes an opponent’s positive or negative statement, respectively. PbC also executes a cognitive function, not in a debate, but rather just in the course of justification of a hypothesis. Syntactic exponents of PbC are irreal conditional sentences, quasi-conditional constructions with a rhetorical complication, and sentences of alternative motivation. Derivation of all those structures is performed, inter alia, through marking the apodosis as a rhetorical question; specifics of the latter is determined by propositional semantics of the structures in question.

Keywordscondition, discourse, Dostoevsky, rhetorical question
Publication date24.06.2019
Number of characters39312
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