Academician Otto Lyudvigovich Struve’s letters to Alexei Petrovich Struve (from the archive of N. A. Struve)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 39 3

Otto Lyudvigovich Struve (1897–1963) was a renowned Russian-American astronomer and geophysicist who had worked at the University of Chicago and University of California. He was the Director of Yerkes Observatory (USA) in 1932–1947 and member of the National Academy of Sciences since 1937. This publication consists of two letters written by the scientist to his relative, Alexei Petrovich Struve. One of these letters contains, among other things, O. L. Struve’s brief personal history. The letters were kindly provided for publication by A. P. Struve’s son, Nikita Alexeyevich Struve.

KeywordsOtto Lyudvigovich Struve, Alexei Petrovich Struve, Nikita Alexeyevich Struve.
Publication date11.10.2018
Number of characters539
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3. Davatts, V. (1923) Sem’ia Struve [The Struve Family], Novoe vremia, March 1, no. 553, p. 2.

4. Denikin, A. I. (1921–1926) Ocherki russkoi smuty. T. 1–5 [Sketches of Russian Strife. 1–5]. Paris and Berlin: Povolozky & C°, Slovo, and Mednyi vsadnik.

5. Frost, E. B. (1921) A Family of Astronomers. Hermann Struve, 1854–1920; Ludwig Struve, 1858–1920, Popular Astronomy, vol. 29, pp. 536–541.

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7. Litvinova, E. F. (1893) V. Ia. Struve. Ego zhizn’ i nauchnaia deiatel’nost’ [V. Ya. Struve. His Life and Scientific Activities]. Sankt-Peterburg: Tipografiia Iu. N. Erlikh.

8. Savel’ev, A. S. (1858) Karl Fridrikh Gauss. Biograficheskii ocherk [Carl Friedrich Gauß. A Biographical Sketch]. Sankt-Peterburg: Tipografiia Akademii nauk.

9. Skvortsova, O. V. (2015) Sem’ia Struve v Rossii i v emigratsii (vystavka v Biblioteke Rossiiskoi akademii nauk [The Struve Family in Russia and in Emigration (An Exhibition at the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences], Vestnik Russkogo Khristianskogo dvizheniia, no. 204 (II-2015), pp. 289–295.

10. Tsinger N. Ia. (1922) Kurs astronomii (chast’ teoreticheskaia). 2-e izd. [A Course of Astronomy (Theoretical Part). 2nd ed.]. Petrograd: Redaktsionno-izdatel’skii otdel Morskoi komissii.

11. Tsinger, N. Ia. (1899) Kurs astronomii (chast’ prakticheskaia) [A Course of Astronomy (Practical Part)]. Sankt-Peterburg: Voennaia tipografiia.

12. Tsinger, N. Ia. (1899) Kurs astronomii (chast’ teoreticheskaia) [A Course of Astronomy (Theoretical Part)]. Sankt-Peterburg: Voennaia tipografiia.

13. Tsinger, N. Ia. (1915) Kurs astronomii (chast’ prakticheskaia). 2-e izd. [A Course of Astronomy (Practical Part). 2nd ed.]. Petrograd: Voennaia tipografiia imperatritsy Ekateriny Velikoi.

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