Dr. I. N. Kazakov’s “Miracles”: Scientific and Political Controversies around Lysate Therapy

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 42 Issue 2

This article is devoted to the history of the lysate therapy, a method for treating various conditions (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, psoriasis, cancer, epilepsy, and schizophrenia) that was introduced by Dr. I. N. Kazakov. This method was based on administering lysates, the products of enzymatic lysis of the tissues of particular organs, to the organism. It was first proposed by M. P. Tushnov who believed that the lysates induced an overall surge of energy and increased working capacity, accelerated metabolism, and restored the biochemical balance of the organism. Kazakov, however, proceeded from this idea to develop a comprehensive theory of emergence and treatment of various conditions, mostly associated with the dysfunction of endocrine glands and metabolism.

The effectiveness of the lysate therapy became a topic of an animated discussion that involved the scientists, physicians and public figures. The scientific community was rather skeptical about Kazakov’s method while the Party functionaries initially supported it. The fact that of some of the government officials were treated by Kazakov at the Kremlin Hospital helped him to promote the method of lysate therapy and, for a time, protected him from the scientists’ criticisms. In 1932, State Scientific Research Institute of Metabolism and Endocrine Disorders (GNIIOVER) was organized in Moscow with Kazakov as its director. Substantial financial support allowed the Institute to considerably increase the production of lysates but Kazakov nevertheless failed to provide convincing evidence of effectiveness of his methods and the protests of the leading medical professionals and endocrinologists who regarded the lysate therapy as pseudoscientific were getting louder. In 1935, this discussion spilled over onto the pages of Pravda (the main Soviet newspaper) where it continued till January 1936 when it ended with the creation of a commission for the assessment of GNIIOVER’s scientific and practical activities. This commission that comprised the leading scientists and medical professionals was unanimous negative about Kazakov’s activities. The arrest of Kazakov on the charge of affiliation with a counterrevolutionary anti-Soviet organization on December 14, 1937 put a decisive end to the lysate therapy. Kazakov was executed by shooting on March 15, 1938.  

KeywordsI. N. Kazakov, lysate therapy, organism rejuvenation, M. P. Tushnov, N. A. Shereshevskii, V. R. Menzhinskii, V. M. Molotov, the case of the Bloc of Rightists and Trotskyites
Publication date28.06.2021
Number of characters99453
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