Bulgaria in Russian Literature of the Last Third of the 18th – First Half of the 19th Century: the Dynamics of Image’s Creation

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Leninskie Gory 1, bld. 51, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 79 Issue 3

The article investigates the origin of Bulgaria’s image in Russian 18th-century odic tradition and its further development in A.G. Krasnokutskii’s “The daily notes of a journey to Constantinople” and V.G. Tepliakov’s “The letters from Bulgaria” and  “Thracian elegies”. In odes, the image of Bulgaria is a kind of appendage to the “Greek project”, thanks to which Bulgaria, together with Greece, get situated in the center of the odic world map. For the first time in Russian literature, Krasnokutskii’s “The daily notes…” acquaint readers with the authentic landscapes of Bulgaria, the life in its cities and villages, the image of the local population, at the same time reinforcing odic motifs in prose. Teplyakov’s lyric-epic cycle is a complex continuum. Both parts of the cycle embody two ‘tiers’, whose meanings resonate with each other. While “The letters from Bulgaria” speak more about the fragmentation and finiteness of historical being, in the “Thracian Elegies” Bulgaria is in the form of the infinite and unshakable being. “The letters from Bulgaria” and “Thracian Elegies” by V.G. Teplyakov mark a transition to a fundamentally new level of understanding and embodiment of Bulgaria’s image in Russian literature.

KeywordsRussian literature, ode, journey, imagology, Balkans, Greece, Bulgaria, Russo-Turkish wars, Dante
Publication date01.07.2020
Number of characters16988
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