Mathematical Works of K. Marx: A Century-­Long History of Search, Deciphering and Analysis

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Address: Moscow, 2-ya Baumanskaya ul., 5-1
Affiliation: OOO “Poliedr”
Address: Ovchinnikovskaya nab., 22/24, str. 2
Affiliation: Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytishchi Branch
Address: Ul. 1-ya Institutskaya, 1
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 42 1

This article is devoted to the history of search, deciphering and analysis of the archival mathematical manuscripts of a German philosopher K. Marx, and to the analysis of prerequisites for the emergence of these works and the goals pursued by the scholar when writing these works. It is shown that Marx’s interest in mathematics was spurred by his search for a formal mathematical tool for the analysis of economic processes. He was also attracted by previously unknown possibilities for applied studies based on the differential calculus. It is hypothesized that one of Marx’s goals in his analysis of the Taylor and Maclaurin theorems was modelling polynomial function from points table. It is shown that the mathematical apparatus used by Marx is based on the works that had been available to the European scientists of the time, first and foremost, to English scientists.

KeywordsK. Marx, archival manuscripts, the history of legacy, table data processing, interpolation
Publication date29.03.2021
Number of characters36935
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