The History of Exploration and Use of Inland Surface Waters of the Kaliningrad Oblast of Russia

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Environmental Management, Urban Development and Spatial Planning
Address: Kaliningrad, Ul. Zoologicheskaya, 2
Affiliation: Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Environmental Management, Urban Development and Spatial Planning
Address: Ul. Zoologicheskaya, 2
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 41 3

<p >This paper reviews the history of the development of hydrological and hydroecological studies and the use of the surface bodies of water in the Kaliningrad Oblast. The presentation of material is based on the following periodization: the period before World War II; Soviet era: the period of formation of hydrological studies and water management (1946–1960), the period of development of hydrological studies and water management (1961–1975), the period of modernization of hydrological studies and water management (1976–1990), the transitional period (1991–2005), and the contemporary Russian period (from 2006 to this day). For each of these periods, the characterization and trends of the formation of water management and hydrological research is provided. The paper names significant relevant scientific publications, studies and results, and highlights the contributions of various institutions, organizations, and scientists who promoted the exploration of this region. Studies related to hydro amelioration are also touched upon because of this field’s importance for the Kaliningrad Oblast. At the end of the paper, the importance of structuring and accumulating historical information in the field of hydrological studies and use of surface water bodies is emphasized.

Keywordsdevelopment of water management of inland surface waters, history of hydrological studies, East Prussia, Kaliningrad Oblast, hydro amelioration network, environmental state of water resources, surging phenomena, surface water monitoring system
Publication date29.09.2020
Number of characters47453
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