On an Unknown Review of D. D. Ivanenko’s Article by S. I. Vavilov

Publication type Review
Status Published
Affiliation: CJSC “Editorial Office of ʻNezavisimaya gazeta’”
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow, Ul. Myasnitskaya, 13, str. 3
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 41 2

This paper introduces for scientific use an earlier unknown Academician S. I. Vavilov’s review of the paper “Fundamentals of the theory of elementary particles” by a theoretical physicist, D. D. Ivanenko. This review was found by the author at a second-hand book auction in Moscow. This rather short hand-written text casts additional light on the picture of “struggle against idealism in physics”, waged in the USSR in the late 1940s, particularly on the internal opposition between Vavilov and Ivanenko concerning the ideological and philosophical judgment of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. So far this opposition remained practically unexamined although, as it happens, it had been quite dramatic, emotional, and full of overtones. Examining Vavilov’s review in the context of sociopolitical situation in the USSR allowed making several surmises. Thus, it is highly likely that Ivanenko’s article, written for a book of collected papers on the philosophy of science, was one of the elements of “theoretical”, “philosophical” justification for a campaign against the “reactionary role of idealism in physics” that was being prepared by the Soviet Union’s political authorities. Even though it had not been published as is, it provided the basis for several other publications by the same author.

KeywordsD. D. Ivanenko, S. I. Vavilov, W. Heisenberg, N. Bohr, A. S. Eddington, history of physics, elementary particles
Publication date20.06.2020
Number of characters18642
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