Pilgrimage of Russian Muslims to the Sacred Sites of Arabia (2014-2018): Analysis and Development Prospects

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Post-graduate student
Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Editor-in-Chief, annual magazine «Hajj of Russian Muslims»
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 7

The article analyzes the organization of the annual Muslim pilgrimage (hajj) from different regions of Russia to the shrines of Islam in Arabia for 2014-2018, identifies the stages of the process, carries out a comparative analysis and considers the participation of the authorities and leaders of the two countries (Russia and Saudi Arabia) dealing with pilgrimage issues. The article gives an assessment of the state model of the organization of hajj, which contributes to a clearer and more systematic work of all stakeholders. The author focuses on state-Islamic relations and coherence in the work of the structures responsible for the implementation of the pilgrimage in order to achieve quality results.

Over the past 5 years, the pilgrimage tradition of Russian Muslims to the sacred sites of Arabia tended to develop in a positive way and was characterized by further improvement in the organization of the fifth pillar of Islam – Hajj, improving the quality of services offered to pilgrims. The article assesses the role of Muslim pilgrimage in establishing contacts and deepening cooperation between Russia and Saudi Arabia. The regulatory policy influences by a number of factors, among which the attempts to erect barriers against infectious diseases, prevent Russia’s Muslims from acquiring radical religious ideas, implement the passport system, choose the most secure routes and monitor the flow of pilgrims. All these organizational processes are aimed at improving the services offered to Russian pilgrims, providing them with everything necessary for the proper performance of the Hajj.

KeywordsHajj, pilgrimage, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Russian Haj-mission, Hajj Council
Publication date07.08.2019
Number of characters19503
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