The Committee of Chemicalization of National Economy under the USSR Council of People’s Commissars: In Commemoration of the 90 th Anniversary of the First Research Grants in the USSR

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Scientific Center for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Petrovsky bul., 8, str. 2
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 41 1

Modern researchers of grant-based funding of science agree that the Russian scientific community had never known this type of financial support before the post-Soviet period. We present documentary evidence of the existence of grant system in the USSR in the late 1920s. So-called Committee for Chemicalization of National Economy under the USSR Council of People’s Commissars (SNK SSSR) had attempted to provide the grants for research in chemistry in 1929/1930. We present detailed information on the structure of the body in charge of allocating funds to support research (the Scientific Commission of the Committee on Chemicalization) including the biographical information about the members of this Commission, mostly scientific intelligentsia. We consider the principles of projects funding, projects assignment to fundamental and applied topics, and geographic distribution of granted institutions and research teams. Surely the main goal of this funding was to support the research promoting the development of chemical industry in the USSR. However, the number of supported fundamental studies even exceeded the number of applied research projects. Many of sponsored projects were concerned with various aspects of natural raw materials and resources research, with the organic and physical chemistry topics prevailing. The analysis of geographic distribution of grants across the country suggests that the Committee supported the preservation and development of prerevolutionary scientific schools, as well as the emergence of comparatively new “scientific nuclea”. Any information about this early grant-based funding is lacking in the sources, which suggests that the experience of research grants system during Soviet period was short-lived. Nevertheless, the very fact of the attempt to implement this system in the Soviet context confirms that the scientific community is basically able to regulate scientific activities.   

KeywordsCommittee for Chemicalization of National Economy under the USSR Council of People’s Commissars (SNK SSSR), Scientific Commission, grant-based funding, chemicalization of national economy
Publication date25.03.2020
Number of characters36893
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