Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom), Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation,
Journal nameRusskaia literatura
EditionIssue 2

Having performed the comprehensive paleographic analysis of the manuscript of Pushkinʼs poem «Chto s toboi, skaszhi mne, bratets?..», the author of the article has reconstructed the autographic and creative context of this draft, which was traditionally dated back to the year 1825. In fact, it is the second rhymed insertion for the «<Povest’ iz rimskoi zhizni>» («<A Tale of Roman Life>») and was written in early 1835, when Pushkin resumed his work on the story of the tragic fate of the Roman writer Petronius, the author of the satirical adventure novel Satyricon.

Keywordsunfinished Pushkinʼs works of the 1830s, «Chto s toboi, skaszhi mne, bratets?..», «<Povest’ iz rimskoi zhizni>» («<A Tale of Roman Life>»), Pushkinʼs library, paleography, date, science-based description of manuscripts, L. B. Modzalevsky, B. V. Tomashevsky, Petronius, Satyricon.
Publication date01.06.2020
Number of characters46791
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