Issue 2

  • 1 rub.
  • Volume: 45
  • Issue number: 2

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
From the History of Science
Trofim Lysenko’s “New Doctrine of the Species”: An Attempt at Close Reading Maxim Vinarskii Pages 225-249
How Did Quarks Appear in the Theory of Elementary Particles? (Towards the 60th Anniversary of the Great Discovery) Vladimir Laskovaya Pages 250-277
From the History of Technology
“The Sciences Were Never at War”: Sir Joseph Banks and Anglo-French Scientific Cooperation during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars Yulia Shipitsyna Pages 278-290
External Sessions of the USSR Academy of Sciences’ Section of Earth Sciences, Held in the USSR Regions in 1964–1968 Loriana Vinogradova Pages 291-306
The Early International Physiological Congresses (1889–1913) as a New Form of Communication between Physiologists Anna Ivanova Pages 307-329
Materials for the Biographies of Scientists and Engineers
The Role of A. P. Ponomarevʼs Investigations in the Development of Microbiology at Kazan University (1920s – 1930s) Maksim Trushin Pages 330-343
Sources for the History of Science and Technology
Wartime Experience of Visual Impressions: K. A. Korovin and the Problem of Camouflaging Positions at the Front during World War I Iaroslav Golubinov / Yulia Zherdeva / Oleg Chistyakov Pages 344-359
A. M. Zalesskii on the Construction of the Volkhov Power Plant Andrei Kozhberov Pages 360-371
Brief Communications
“The Ultimate Objective Was to Implement Détente in the History of Technology Field”: Towards the History of the Establishment of the International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC) Vasily Borisov Pages 372-379
Essay Review
The History of the Making of Molecular Biology in the USSR: A Review Based on the Book “Alexander Sergeyevich Spirin. The Life in Science” Tatiana Kursanova Pages 380-389
The Past and the Present of Analytical Chemistry with a Human Face: Reading the Book “History and Methodology of Analytical Chemistry” by Yu. A. Zolotov and V. I. Vershinin Alexander Rodny Pages 390-399
Books in Brief
Books in Brief Marina Shleeva Pages 400-402
Academic Life
Round Table “75th Anniversary of the August 1948 VASKhNIL Session: the Lessons of History” Oleg Belozerov Pages 403-408
Round Table “P. K. Kozlov’s Legacy in the Collections of the Museums, Archives, and Libraries” (Towards the 160th Anniversary of the Birth of P. K. Kozlov) Valeria Shaidarova Pages 409-413
44th international Annual Scientific Conference of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Russian National Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nadezhda Asheulova / Elena Sinelnikova Pages 414-420
6th International Conference “Development of Computer Engineering in Russia and Former USSR and COMECON Member Countries” Irina Krayneva / Valery Shilov Pages 421-429
“Everyday Life of Women in the Academic Community. The Contribution of Women from Scientific Families to the Creation and Preservation of Family Archives” at the 16th International Scientific Conference of the Russian Association of Researchers of Women’s History Olga Laskovaya / Mariya Pomelova Pages 430-435
Events in Brief
Events in Brief Editorial Office of the Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki journal Pages 436-438
In Memoriam
Valentina Leonidovna Ponomareva (18.IX.1933 – 8.XI.2023) Editorial Office of the Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki journal Pages 439-443
Rem Aleksandrovich Simonov (29.XII.1929 – 7.XII.2023) Editorial Office of the Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki journal Pages 444-450

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