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1. Kink, Kh.A. 1976: Khudozhestvennoe remeslo drevnejshego Egipta i sopredel'nykh stran. M.
2. Krol, A.A. (avt.-sost.). 2021:Puteshestvie v stranu Kush. Sovetskie arkheologi na beregakh Nila. Katalog vystavki. Gosudarstvennyj muzej Vostoka, 16 fevralya – 28 marta 2021 g.
3. Lukas, A. 1958: Materialy i remeslennye proizvodstva Drevnego Egipta. M.
4. Malykh, S.E. 2009: Ehpigraficheskie i inye svidetel'stva o drevneegipetskom goncharnom dele v ehpokhu Drevnego tsarstva. Ehpigrafika Vostoka, 28,155–167.
5. Malykh, S.E. 2018: Goncharnye metki na egipetskoj keramike ehpokhi Drevnego tsarstva iz vostochnoj Gizy. Ehpigrafika Vostoka 33, 106–121.
6. Merpert, N.Ya., Bol'shakov, O.G. 1964: Rannedinasticheskoe poselenie Khor-Daud. B.B. Piotrovskij (red.). Drevnyaya Nubiya. Rezul'taty rabot arkheologicheskoj ehkspeditsii AN SSSR v Ob'edinennoj Arabskoj Respublike. 1961–1962. M., L., 83–177.
7. Piotrovskij, B.B. 1964: Stranitsy drevnej istorii Severnoj Nubii. B.B. Piotrovskij (red.). Drevnyaya Nubiya. Rezul'taty rabot arkheologicheskoj ehkspeditsii AN SSSR v Ob'edinennoj Arabskoj Respublike. 1961–1962. M., L., 5–31.
Pottery from Khor-Daud in the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. © The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Хор-Дауд_рис._2.jpg, 6,804 Kb) [Download]
Map of Nubia with the detailed map of the Soviet concession. Drawing: Vladimir A. Perederiy (Ancient_Egypt_Крол_NEW_.eps, 1,163 Kb) [Download]
Pottery from Khor-Daud in the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. Drawing: Svetlana E. Malykh (Хор-Дауд_рис._1.pdf, 684 Kb) [Download]
Pottery from Khor-Daud in the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow © The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Хор-Дауд_рис._3.jpg, 5,862 Kb) [Download]
3-D models of the Pits 4aб 1а at Khor-Daud. Based on drawings 10, 16 published in Merpert, Bolshakov 1964. Drawing: Olga S. Kalinina (Хор-Дауд_рис._6.jpg, 1,208 Kb) [Download]
3-D models of the Pits 6a, 2 at Khor-Daud. Based on drawings 17, 5, 10 published in Merpert, Bolshakov 1964. Drawing: Olga S. Kalinina. (Хор-Дауд_Рис._4001.jpg, 1,105 Kb) [Download]
3-D models of the Pits 25, 24 at Khor-Daud. Based on drawings 10, 16 published in Merpert, Bolshakov 1964. Drawing: Olga S. Kalinina (Хор-Дауд_рис._5.jpg, 1,197 Kb) [Download]