Investigation of the Temple-Caves of Tuyuk-Mazar and Bezeklik by the Second Russian Turkestan Expedition in 1915 (After the Diaries of S.F. Oldenburg)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of World History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii

The article presents materials from the field diaries of S.F. Oldenburg, which deal with the investigation of the cave temples of Tuyuk-mazar in 1915, and “Notes on the Caves of Bezeklik”. These notes describe some prominent monuments of the wall-painting, give plans of the caves, analyze some artistic features of the painting of Eastern Turkestan, present transcriptions of several unpublished Buddhist inscrip-tions and their comparison with certain fragments of Buddhist writings (Ca-tuṣpariṣatsutra, Sanghabhedavastu, Ratnamālāvadāna, Devatāsūtra, Alpadevatāsūtra). Transcriptions of 1915 are compared with diaries of 1909.

KeywordsEastern Turkestan, cave monasteries, wall painting, inscriptions, S.F. Oldenburg, archival documents
Publication date25.03.2019
Number of characters37346
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