New Evidence on the Relationship between Egyptand Canaan at the End of the Third Millennium BC

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 78 Issue 4

The study presents an overview of all known monuments from the tomb of jnj, an Egyptian seafarer of the Old Kingdom. Special attention is devoted the tomb relief, reconstructed by Michele Marcolin from several fragments scattered among various museums and private collections. The author updates this reconstruction with the relief published in Charles Ede catalog 1993, Νo. 4 and with the relief published in Christie’s catalog December 6, 2007, Lot 7. The latter is attributed to jnj’s tomb based on indirect evidence. The paper concludes with an overview of the major titles of jnj with a brief commentary.

KeywordsEgypt of the Old Kingdom, epigraphy, the international relations of Egypt and the Levant in the third millennium BC
Publication date23.01.2019
Number of characters58418
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