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1. Canada. House of Commons Debates. Official Report. 1953, 1956, 1958. Vol. I, VII, II, IV. Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier, C.M.G., O.A., D.S.P., Queen’s Printer and Controller of Stationery.
2. Canadian Territorial Sea and Fishing Zones Act. 1964. International Legal Materials. No. 5. P. 922-924.
3. Documents on Canadian External Relations. Vol. 27. 1960. Doc. No. 665. Available at: (accessed 28.06.2021).
4. Documents on Canadian External Relations. 2013. Vol. 29. 1962-1963. Ottawa: DFAIT. 1359 p.
5. Documents on Canadian External Relations. The Arctic. 1874-1949. 2016. Ottawa: Global Affairs Canada. 917 p.
6. Documents on Canadian Maritime Sovereignty, 1950-1988. 2018. Ed. by A. Lajeunesse. Calgary and Waterloo: Centre for Military and Strategic Studies. 392 p.
7. Fisheries Case, Judgment of December 18th, 1951: I.C.J. Reports 1951. P. 116-144.
8. Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968. Vol. XII, Western Europe. Available at: (accessed 5.07.2021).
9. Legal Appraisals of Canada’s Arctic Sovereignty: Key Documents, 1905-1956. 2014. Ed. by P. Kikkert, W. Lackenbauer. Calgary and Waterloo: Centre for Military and Strategic Studies. 339 p.
10. The Advisory Committee on Northern Development: Context and Meeting Minutes, 1948-1971. 2019. Ed. by W. Lackenbauer, D. Heidt. Calgary and Waterloo: Centre for Military and Strategic Studies. 943 p.
11. Time for Provincial Status for North Not at Hand. The Ottawa Citizen. 03.02.1955.
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13. Volodin D.A. 2021b.Kanada i poiski novoj modeli suvereniteta na Krajnem Severe v 1920-e – 1930-e gg.: ot ehffektivnoj okkupatsii k kontseptsii sektorov. Istoriya. № 4. Available at: (accessed 05.07.2021).
14. Terebov O.V. 2019. Arkticheskaya politika SShA i interesy Rossii: proshloe, nastoyaschee, buduschee. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo «Ves' mir». 256 s.
15. Dosman E. 1976. The Northern Sovereignty Crisis 1968-70. The Arctic in Question. Ed. by E. Dosman. Toronto: Oxford University Press. P. 34-57
16. Lajeunesse A. 2016. Lock, Stock, and Icebergs: a History of Canada's Arctic Maritime Sovereignty. Vancouver: UBC Press. 404 p.
17. Nicholson N. 1954. The Boundaries of Canada, Its Provinces and Territories. Ottawa: Canada Department of Mines and Technical Surveys.142 p.
18. Nicholson N. 1979. The Boundaries of Canadian Confederation. Toronto: The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited. 252 p.
19. Pearson L. 1946. Canada Looks “Down North”. Foreign Affairs. July. P. 638-647.
20. Robertson G. 2000. Memoirs of a Very Civil Servant: Mackenzie King to Pierre Trudeau. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 384 p.
21. Smith G. 1966. Sovereignty in the North: The Canadian Aspect of an International Problem. The Arctic Frontier. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. P. 194-255.