Competitiveness of the working youth on the basis of self-assessment (according to a surve in the Tyumen region)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Prof., Research Supervisor
Affiliation: Tyumen State University
Address: Russian Federation, Tyumen
Affiliation: Tyumen State University
Address: Russian Federation, Tyumen
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 8

   The article presents the results of a sociological survey of young people aimed at identifying factors and their significance for effective control of competitive processes. Building and development of competitiveness and competitive relations takes a special place in the processes of development of the next generation. The attitude of working youth to competition is being studied in situation of transition of Russian society to market rela­tions. Competition is a universal social law that manifests differently in socio-economic formations, age groups, so­cial and professional groups. In a market economy, competition affects the interests of each person. The study is aimed at determining the attitude of working youth towards competition. The technique of the bipolar scale of the semantic differential (graded scoring scale of 20 positive and negative characteristics) is used. In the respondents' assessments of the term "competition", mainly positive connotations predominate. Identified clusters show a positive mental disposition towards competitiveness, which creates breeding grounds for the developing of necessary qualities of a competitive personality. It is quite difficult to measure the process of accumulating personal competitiveness and assess its effectiveness. In the first approximation (for all subjectivity), this can be done on the basis of personal self-estimate of competi­tiveness. The article presents the results of the empirical sociological research of the level of competitiveness carried out by the authors: 57% of respondents consider themselves competitive, only 3% of respondents gave a negative assessment. With the total number of doubters - 40%, the ratio in favor of those who consider themselves "relative­ly successful" is almost five times higher than the number of those who doubt about their own competitiveness. Such high ratings are mostly due to the ambitiousness and small life experience of young people. The higher the social status of respondents, the more often they consider themselves to be competitive and successful people. The research results also show positive attitude of working youth towards competitive relations. The level of the competitiveness is largely determined by the different accents of young attitude towards the per­formed work.

Keywords young working people, competition, competitiveness, human capital, vocational education, attitudes towards work, motivation
Publication date14.10.2018
Number of characters943
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